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& it begins !

Hey Everyone.

Yes, i am actually doing this !

My first ever blog !

I have decided to create this blog mainly because i have always wanted to create a blog and have finally gained the confidence to do so.


Since my young days, i have loved writing poems,songs but have never had the courage to share these.

Out of all my friendship groups i am the one known as the " harsh but honest adviser", so i thought to myself why not just share daily advice and quotes to the world?!

I am a strong believer in empowering and uplifting young girls and women ( sorry guys), so this blog is mainly going to be related to all my beautiful ladies around the world. (Yes, YOU!)

Why am i even doing this blog?

Well, i grew up as a child who just never expressed herself and kept her emotions all bottled up and that never helped me at all as i became a very guarded up and depressed individual.So instead of bottling my in my emotions, i turned to writing and singing and realized that, God had a purpose for me and that expressing myself is okay and does not make me weak.

Yes, this blog is called Ama'Queen merely because MY Akan name is 'Ama' and after several years of struggling to find myself, i came to the conclusion to that i am a Queen and deserve to be treated like a Queen and so do YOU!

Who is this blog for ?

This blog is to basically encourage and help any young ladies who are going through similar issues i discuss in this blog. i will be speaking on various of subjects such as depression, different types of abuse, relationships, friendships etc.. Feel free to ask me any questions and to comment on anything that i discuss, i don't bite!

When will i be posting?

I will be posting weekly, wish i could post everyday but i know that's not realistic.

I hope you stay with me on this adventure and that you are encouraged and blessed by the things i speak on!

Stay gorgeous, Ama'Queen

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